Financial Policy
Dental treatment is an excellent investment, and it is important to be able to schedule treatment and care right away. So that financial considerations should not be an obstacle to obtaining the care you deserve, we offer several financial options.
As a courtesy to you, we will call your insurance carrier to get a breakdown of benefits. This will assist us in giving you the best possible estimate for your treatment. Please be aware that regardless of insurance benefits, your account is ultimately your responsibility and must be paid in full within 60 days.
We gladly accept: Cash, Checks, Mastercard, Visa, and Discover

Financing Options
As a service to our guests, we are pleased to offer CareCredit, the nation's leading patient payment program. For fees from $300 to $25,000, upon request and approval, CareCredit offers a comprehensive range of plans with low minimum monthly payments that fit comfortably into every budget.
With CareCredit you can:
Start treatment and care immediately and pay over time
Pay for other medical expenses for you and your family without having to reapply
Pay for deductibles and treatment not covered by insurance
Have no annual fees
Online Application: